Studienpräses Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Lieberzeit

© Barbara Mair

The university is a place that combines research and teaching and can only be excellent if high quality is offered and demanded in both areas. Especially in an institution as large as the University of Vienna, this is of course a particular challenge. In my understanding of "promoting and demanding", the Studienpräses fulfils a bridging function and supports all members of the university:

  • by ensuring legal certainty in teaching and examinations to enable a demanding, fair learning environment
  • through transparent procedures to clarify conflict situations in teaching
  • by clarifying detailed questions regarding the legal framework for studying, as set out in the Universities Act and the University's statutes
  • through control functions to ensure the quality of theses in the context of the appointment of reviewers and plagiarism checks


Of course, none of this is possible in a stand-alone solution. In particular, the tasks require

  • close discussion with the Rectorate, in particular the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs the Vice-Rector for Research and Early Career Development and the Vice-Rector for Human Resources Development and International Relations, as well as the Senate, in particular the Curriculum Committee
  • Comprehensive information of functionaries in the teaching administration
  • Contributing study law expertise to the discussions of the various academic and administrative working groups to improve content and organisational processes

The aim is to support the richness of the University of Vienna - its extraordinary academic diversity - and at the same time to provide teachers and students with guidelines for the greatest possible legal security.


Peter Lieberzeit