Content criteria

No significant difference:

If there are no significant differences in terms of acquired competences (learning outcomes), then achievements are to be recognised if they correspond to the learning outcomes/competences of the curriculum/module.

The quality, educational level and profile of the programme must be used to determine whether the learning outcome/competence has been achieved.

Comparison of content criteria UG "old" - UG "new":

OLD: Equivalence testNEW: No significant differences
Equivalent withNo significant differences with
Comparision with curriculum (not actual implementation)Comparison with Curriculum (esp. qualification profile, module descriptions), not actual implementation

- Quality (quality assurance of the study programme)

- Level (educational level of the study programme)

- Profile (purpose and content)

Scope of the programmeWorkload
Mode (examination method)Learning outcomes (acquired knowledge, skills and competences)
When is there equivalence: Minor deviation permitted

When is there no significant difference? If the essential content, competences, learning outcomes of the study programme / module (curriculum) are present.