Official signature
The official signature (Amtssignatur) is a legally valid signature that is affixed to digital documents. It clearly indicates that it is the original document issued by an Austrian authority. Official documents at the University of Vienna are also provided with an electronic official signature.
- Officially signed documents from the University can be recognised by the following features:
- Signature block at the end of the document with the seal of the University, which is also published on
- The signatory is the "University of Vienna"
- Unique serial number
- All persons who receive these documents can check the origin and authenticity of an official signature in the document free of charge at
Digital documents can be sent directly to authorities electronically, and printouts also have the probative value of a public document in accordance with § 20 E-GovG. Documents with an official signature can therefore also be submitted to authorities and other organisations as originals.
The signed PDF document can be opened in a suitable programme (e.g. Adobe Reader). If the document is opened in a browser, it is possible that the official signature will not be displayed. In this case, download the document and open it directly.