
Repetition of negative examinations

Students may repeat examinations that have been assessed negatively three times (four attempts).

The following applies to non-examination-based courses: The third resit (i.e. the fourth attempt) of an examination must be held by an examination board (oral or written) - the second resit (= third attempt) can also be held at the student's request.


Since the academic year 2022/2023 (from 1 October 2022), students are also entitled to repeat the last examination of the degree programme a further, i.e. fourth time. For the very last examination of the degree programme, students will have a further, fifth attempt from 1 October 2022.

There is no board examination for courses that are not part of the degree programme. They must be taken again.


The number of permitted examination attempts must include all attempts for the same examination subject in all relevant degree programmes at the same university. When studying within a curriculum, this counting of retakes takes place automatically. u:space prevents registration for the third retake and asks you to contact the SSC.

I a student does not pass the last opportunity to retake an examination, they will be excluded from this degree programme and all degree pogrammes in which this examination is compulsory. This regulation also applies to all StEOP examinations since 1 October 2022. All specific questions regarding admission will be answered by the Admission Office.

Repetition of postitive examinations

Examinations that have been assessed positively can be repeated once within twelve months, but at the latest before completion of the corresponding study section (diploma studies) / study programme (bachelors and master's studies).

Note on courses that are not part of the examination programme: If these courses are not offered in the following semester after completion, a repetition is permitted in the semester after next at the latest. In this case, notification of the planned repetition should be made within the 12 months. If the student does not make use of this opportunity, there is no later possibility to repeat the course.

Substitution of courses

If provided for in the curriculum, positive examinations can be replaced by better graded examinations that serve the same examination purpose. Both grades appear on the transcript of records. After the student has decided which grade is to be used to complete the degree programme, the unused grade is moved to the "module of interest" and is not used to calculate the overall assessment.