Cheated performances

Examinations in which unauthorised aids are used are not to be assessed. However, the examination attempt must be counted towards the total number of retakes.

Cheating in non-examination courses

If unauthorised aids (copying, mobile phone, cheat sheets, etc.) are used, this examination will be assessed as a fraudulent performance and marked with an "X" in the transcript of records. Before the "X" is entered, the SPL must confront the students concerned.

If the use of AI is not explicitly mentioned as a permitted aid, it falls under unauthorised aids.

Students can request that the examination entry be deleted from the transcript of records within 14 days of the entry being made. An appeal can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court against the official refusal to cancel the entry.

Cheating in courses with immanent examinations

If a partial achievement is cheated within a course with an examination component (e.g. copying, use of unauthorised aids, "plagiarism", etc.), the entire course is to be considered cheated and not assessed. The student must also be confronted with the accusation before it is entered in the transcript of records ("X").

Students can request the deletion of the examination entry from the transcript of records within 14 days of the entry being made. An appeal may be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court against the official refusal of cancellation.

The final status of the examination performance in i3v when entering grades is "not assessed" in both cases and can be set both by the lecturer and in the SSC/SSSt. An "X" appears in the transcript of records. The examination entry counts as such.

If an assessment has been fraudulently obtained through the use of unauthorised aids (e.g. the examination was taken by another person) and this fact only comes to light after the grades have been awarded, an administrative procedure will take place in the Studienpräses office. If the allegations are true, the assessment will be declared null and void. The grade will be replaced by an "N" (= null and void) in the transcript of records.

Info-Video on "Cheating Proceedings" [Video in German]

 Info-Video for Teaching Staff - "What to do, when cheating is going on?" [Video in German]