Welcome to the website of the Office of the Studienpräses!
In order to ensure the best possible support for students in matters of study law, the function of the Studienpräses was established at the University of Vienna.
The basis for this is the "appointment of an officer to administrate matters concerning the enforcement of study law" (§ 19 para. 2 line 2 UG) as provided for in the Universities Act 2002.
The tasks of the Studienpräses are varied and extensive. They are regulated in the Universities Act 2002 and in the statutes of the University of Vienna (Section 3 of the statutes of the Studienpräses). In carrying out these tasks, he/she is supported by the study programme directors through their professional expertise. The Delegation Ordinance regulates the tasks that the study programme directors carry out on behalf of the Studienpräses.
Since October 2014, Professor Peter Lieberzeit has held the position of Studienpräses.